IV Sedation
Because Dr. Robinson is a Board-Certified Anesthesiologist, IV sedation is an option for patients who prefer to feel sedated during their treatment with radiofrequency microneedling or laser treatments. This requires fasting for 8 hours prior to your procedure as well as coming to the appointment with a responsible driver to safely take you home. Dr. Robinson will review your medical history and determine appropriate candidates for this type of anesthesia. Our office is a surgical center and allows for this level of anesthesia for our aesthetic patients. A small IV will be placed to allow titration of medications to provide relaxation and sedation. Your vital signs and breathing will be closely monitored continuously throughout your treatment. Once you are awake, we will continue to monitor you and your vital signs during your immediate recovery from anesthesia and make sure you are comfortable, awake, and alert. We provide a private, dedicated patient pick up drive-through so that we can accompany you to get safely in your driver’s car.
Our Patients Say It Best
Our Patient Reviews
“I appreciate all her medical background because it made me more comfortable with someone treating my face!” Meg J.
“As a Mayo-trained physician, I trust her implicitly with my cosmetic treatments.” Lisa S.
“I trust her completely and will be going back ASAP.” Katie W.
Have Questions?
We Have Answers.
Can I eat before my sedated procedure?
You must remain NPO (nothing by mouth) for 8 hours prior to sedation. You may have sips of clear liquids up to 2 hours before your procedure. Ask Dr. Robinson if you need any clarification about these instructions as they are imperative for keeping you safe.
When will I need a driver?
You must have a responsible driver present upon check-in when undergoing IV sedation for procedures as you will not be able to drive for the remainder of the day of your procedure.
If I choose to have anesthesia during my procedure, how will I be monitored?
If you utilize IV sedation, you will be closely monitored using all American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) standards of continually monitoring oxygenation, ventilation, circulation.