Local Injection
Dr. Robinson offers local anesthetic injections to target specific nerves that supply the area being treated. This produces a dense nerve block so that pain signals are blocked from the area being treated. This can be done as a dental block in the mouth for lip injections or around the nerves that supply the skin of the face for the microneedling or laser treatments. Dr. Robinson uses small needles to place these injections as comfortably as possible. The injected medication (lidocaine) usually lasts between 60 to 90 minutes. Patients should be aware of these numbing effects and avoid eating or drinking hot liquids until normal sensation returns.
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Our Patient Reviews
“I appreciate all her medical background because it made me more comfortable with someone treating my face!” Meg J.
“As a Mayo-trained physician, I trust her implicitly with my cosmetic treatments.” Lisa S.
“I trust her completely and will be going back ASAP.” Katie W.